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Census and American Community Survey Workshop with Social Explorer Columbus Ohio, Wednesday April 17, 2024, 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM in the Garfield Room of the Hy...
We are extremely excited and proud to announce that the United States Census 2020 is live on Social Explorer. Conducted every ten years since 1790, the decennial censu...
Social Explorer is the only data provider that quickly and easily allows you to compare results of the 2010 Census to the latest version — even down to the block...
The 2020 Census was the first Census that allowed people to provide their data online or by telephone. It was only the 12th Census to be conducted during a presidentia...
Problems associated with differential privacy, or the shifting of certain groups of people from one geography to the next in the name of security, stands to create an ...
The Census is broken down into several dozen geographical units, ranging from the esoteric (Traffic Analysis Zones and Urban Growth Areas) to the standard (States, Cou...
Contrary to fever dreams among right-wing politicians, the Census does not ask about the following: Religious preference Political affiliation Gun ownership Citizenshi...
The basic purpose of the Census is to count the population within each state, so that congressional seats can be proportional. In a representative democracy, states wi...
The Census has three primary purposes: It is used as the basis to create voting district boundaries that comply with federal laws requiring equal representation for al...
The 2020 Census represents an evolution of the decennial headcount in some ways; in others, it’s a devolution. It asks the same questions as the previous Census ...
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