Social Explorer provides hundreds of thousands of data indicators across demography, economy, health, education, religion, crime and more. Examine this wealth of information at many geographic levels: national, state, county, ZIP, neighborhood and more. All data are curated, organized and processed for ease of use.
Population, age, sex, race, marital status, religion, language, families, family relations, households, ethnicity and more
Income, poverty, unemployment, jobs, occupation, industry, wages, housing, workforce characteristics
Rent, home value, public housing, vacancy, subsidized households
Health care, insurance, crime, hospital locations, health risk factors, infectious diseases, cancer
School enrollment, graduation and dropout rates, college locations, libraries, museums
Presidential, gubernatorial, senatorial, and congressional elections data
Social Explorer data come from trusted public and proprietary sources. With years of data research and handling experience, we curate and process every data point that goes into our system.
Social Explorer publishes the official documentation for each data resource in an organized and easy to read format. We also provide the formulas used to compute custom SE variables. This way you know exactly how we got the numbers we did, so you can feel confident knowing what’s behind them.
Social Explorer continuously adds new data to our library. New data releases are processed and added to Social Explorer as soon as they become available. For example it only takes a few days for an American Community Survey release to appear in Social Explorer.
Create detailed data reports to export one or thousands of variables and geographies quickly and easily. Excel, CSV, and other file formats allow you to work with data in a variety of software programs for further analysis.