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European Statistics 2011
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Social Explorer; Eurostat - The Statistical Office of the European Union
European Statistics 2011
European Statistics 2011
Eurostat: Technical Documentation
General notes
Variable descriptions
Total population
Population density (per sq. km)
Infant death
Infant mortality rate
Crude marriage rate
Crude divorce rate
Crude death rate
Crude birth rate
Country of birth
Old age dependency ratio
Median age of population
1. Demographic statistics methodology
1.1. Population
1.1.1. Estimating the size of the population
1.2. Birth
1.2.1. Definition of 'live birth'
1.2.2. Declaring a birth
1.2.3. The contents of a birth declaration
1.2.4. Live births abroad, 'non-residents' and mother's age
1.3. Death
1.3.1. Declaring a death
1.3.2. The contents of a death declaration
1.3.3. Persons dying abroad and deaths of 'non-residents'
1.4. Marriages and legal unions
1.4.1. Minimum marriageable age
1.4.2. The contents of a marriage declaration
1.4.3. Marriages conducted abroad and between 'non-residents'
1.4.4. Legal unions
1.5. Divorces
1.5.1. Conditions for divorce
1.5.2. The contents of a divorce declaration
1.5.3. Divorces of residents abroad and of 'non-residents'
Annex I - List of country codes
Annex II - Country-specific registration forms
2. Population data
2.1. Data description
2.2. Statistical concepts and definitions
2.3. Institutional Mandate
2.4. Quality management - assessment
2.5. Comparability - geographical
2.6. Comparability - over time
2.7. Data validation
3. Fertility data
3.1. Data description
3.2. Statistical concepts and definitions
3.3. Dissemination format - Publications
3.4. Comparability
3.5. Data validation
4. Mortality data
4.1. Data description
4.2. Statistical concepts and definitions
4.3. Data validation
5. Immigration and emigration data
5.1. Data description
5.2. Statistical concepts and definitions
5.3. Institutional Mandate
5.4. Quality management
5.5. Comparability
5.6. Statistical processing
6. Marriages and divorces data
6.1. Data description
6.2. Statistical concepts and definitions
6.3. Comparability
Social Explorer; Eurostat: Technical Documentation