DUALabs' |
Block |
Character |
Data Descriptor |
1 |
208 |
Number |
No. of Data Items |
001000 |
Household Relationship-Whites* |
6 |
Count of White Persons |
By: Household Relationship (8) |
001001 Head of Primary Family |
002 Primary individual |
003 Wife of head |
004 Related single child under 18 1
005 Other relative of head 2
006 Non-relative of head 3
Padding |
1 |
007 Inmate of institution |
2 |
008 Other in group quarters |
Padding |
2 |
002000 |
Occupancy/Vacancy Status and Tenure* |
1 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Year-Round Housing Units |
By: Occupancy/Vacancy Status, Tenure, and Race of Head (6) |
002001 Total owner-occupied units |
Padding |
1 |
002 Nonwhite owner occupied |
2 |
003 Total renter occupied |
Padding |
1 |
004 Nonwhite renter occupied |
1 |
Padding |
1 |
005 Vacant for rent |
2 |
006 Vacant for sale |
Padding |
3 |
003000 |
Housing Quality* |
6 |
Footnotes: |
*Tabulation is split by padding. |
1This category does not necessarily include all own children under 18. |
2 Includes own children 18 and over and also all married children under 18. |
3Includes persons in secondary families. |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Units4
By: Housing Quality and Race of Head (12) |
All occupied and vacant units: |
003001 Sound, with all facilities |
002 Sound, lacking or sharing hot water only |
003 Sound, lacking or sharing other facilities |
004 Deteriorating |
005 Deteriorating, with all facilities |
006 Deteriorating, lacking or sharing hot water only |
Padding |
1 |
007 Dilapidated |
1 |
Padding |
2 |
Nonwhite housing units: |
008 Sound, with all facilities |
2 |
009 Sound, lacking or sharing some facilities |
Padding |
1 |
010 Deteriorating, with all facilities |
3 |
011 Deteriorating, lacking or sharing some facilities |
012 Dilapidated |
1 |
Padding |
Footnotes: |
4Unless otherwise stated, vacant includes vacant seasonal, migratory, and year-round units. |
004000 |
Rooms in Unit* |
8 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Housing Units |
By: Race of Head (2) By: Number of Rooms in Unit (8) |
All occupied and vacant units: |
004001 1 room in unit |
002 2 rooms |
003 3 rooms |
004 4 rooms |
005 5 rooms |
006 6 rooms |
007 7 rooms |
008 8 or more rooms |
Padding |
1 |
Nonwhite Housing Units: |
009-016 Repeat Rooms (8) |
8 |
005000 |
Persons in Unit |
16 |
Count of Occupied Housing Units |
By: Race of Head (2) By: Number of Persons in Unit (8) |
All occupied housing units: |
005001 1 person in unit |
002 2 persons |
003 3 persons |
004 4 persons |
005 5 persons |
006 6 persons |
007 7 persons |
008 8 persons or more |
Nonwhite housing units: |
009-016 Repeat Persons (8) |
006000 |
Crowding |
8 |
Count of Occupied Units |
By: Race of Head (2) By: Persons per Room (4) |
All occupied units: |
006001 .5 or less |
002 .51 to .75 |
003 .76 to 1.00 |
004 1.01 or more |
Nonwhite housing units: |
005-008 Repeat Persons Per Room (4) |
Padding |
1 |
007000 |
6 |
Count of Owner-Occupied Units Reporting Value |
By: Value (6) |
007001 Under $5,000 |
002 $5,000-$9,999 |
003 $10,000-$14,999 |
004 $15,000-$19,999 |
005 $20,000-$24,999 |
006 $25,000 or more |
Padding |
3 |
Footnotes: |
5Respondents estimate. Value is tabulated for owner-occupied units having only one unit on the property and no business. Units in multi-unit structures and trailers are excluded as are units on farms and units on ten or more acres. Value is tabulated on a 100-percent basis in places of 50,000 or more persons, 25-percent elsewhere. |
008000 |
Household Relationship-Nonwhites*6
6 |
Count of Nonwhite Persons |
By: Household Relationship (8) |
008001 Head of primary family |
002 Primary individual |
003 Wife of head |
004 Related single child under 18 |
005 Other relative of head |
006 Nonrelative |
Padding |
1 |
007 Inmate of institution |
2 |
008 Other in group quarters |
Padding |
1 |
Footnotes: |
6See footnotes 1, 2, and 3, page 1. |
009001 |
Count of Renter-Occupied Units Reporting Rent |
1 |
010001 |
Aggregate $ Monthly Contract Rent for Renter-Occupied |
Units Reporting Rent7
1 |
Padding |
6 |
Footnotes: |
7Excludes one-family houses on places of 10 or more acres. Contract rent is tabulated on a 100-percent basis in place of 50,000 or more population; 25-percent elsewhere. |
011000 |
Race and Sex-Nonwhites |
4 |
Count of Nonwhite Persons |
By: Race (2) By: Sex (2) |
Negroes: |
011001 Male |
002 Female |
Other Nonwhites: |
003-004 Repeat Sex (2) |
Padding |
2 |
012000 |
Age-Total Population* |
44 |
Count of Persons |
By: Age (25) By: Sex (2) |
Under 1 Year: |
012001 Male |
002 Female |
1 Year: |
003 · Male |
004 · Female |
· |
· |
· |
· |
· |
· |
· |
· |
20 Years: |
041 Male |
042 Female |
21-24 Years |
043 Male |
044 Female |
Padding |
32 |
75-79 Years: |
045-046 Repeat Sex (2) |
6 |
80-84 Years: |
047-048 Repeat Sex (2) |
85 Years and Over: |
049-050 Repeat Sex (2) |
013000 |
6 |
Count of Nonwhite Persons |
By: Age (3) By: Sex (2) |
18 Years: |
013001 Male |
002 Female |
19 Years: |
003 Male |
004 Female |
20 Years: |
005 Male |
006 Female |
Padding |
11 |
Footnotes: |
8See also Table 15. |
014000 |
Age-White Persons |
32 |
Count of White Persons |
By: Age (16) By: Sex (2) |
Under 5 Years: |
014001 Male |
002 Female |
5-9 Years: |
003-004 Repeat Sex (2) |
10-14 Years: |
005-006 Repeat Sex (2) |
15-19 Years: |
007-008 Repeat Sex (2) |
20-24 Years: |
009-010 Repeat Sex (2) |
25-29 Years: |
011-012 Repeat Sex (2) |
30-34 Years: |
013-014 Repeat Sex (2) |
35-39 Years: |
015-016 Repeat Sex (2) |
40-44 Years: |
017-018 Repeat Sex (2) |
45-49 Years: |
019-020 Repeat Sex (2) |
50-54 Years: |
021-022 Repeat Sex (2) |
55-59 Years: |
023-024 Repeat Sex (2) |
60-64 Years: |
025-026 Repeat Sex (2) |
65-69 Years: |
027-028 Repeat Sex (2) |
70-74 Years: |
029-030 Repeat Sex (2) |
75 Years and Over: |
031-032 Repeat Sex (2) |
Padding |
2 |
015000 |
32 |
Count of Nonwhite Persons |
By: Age (16) By: Sex (2) |
Under 5 Years: |
015001 Male |
002 Female |
5-9 Years |
003 Male |
004 Female |
10-14 Years: |
005-006 Repeat Sex (2) |
15-19 Years: |
007-008 Repeat Sex (2) |
20-24 Years: |
009-010 Repeat Sex (2) |
25-29 Years: |
011-012 Repeat Sex (2) |
30-34 Years: |
013-014 Repeat Sex (2) |
35-39 Years: |
015-016 Repeat Sex (2) |
40-44 Years: |
017-018 Repeat Sex (2) |
45-49 Years: |
019-020 Repeat Sex (2) |
50-54 Years: |
021-022 Repeat Sex (2) |
55-59 Years: |
023-024 Repeat Sex (2) |
60-64 Years: |
025-026 Repeat Sex (2) |
65-69 Years: |
027-028 Repeat Sex (2) |
70-74 Years: |
029-030 Repeat Sex (2) |
75 Years and Over: |
031-032 Repeat Sex (2) |
Padding |
2 |
Footnotes: |
9See also Table 13. |
016000 |
Marital Status* |
10 |
Count of Persons 14 and Over |
By: Race (2) By: Marital Status (5) By: Sex (2) |
White Persons: |
Single: |
016001 Male |
002 Female |
Married, not separated: |
003-004 Repeat Sex (2) |
Separated: |
005-006 Repeat Sex (2) |
Widowed |
007-008 Repeat Sex (2) |
Divorced |
009-010 Repeat Sex (2) |
Padding |
2 |
Nonwhite Persons: |
011-020 Repeat Marital Status and Sex (10) |
10 |
Padding |
17 |
017000 |
Puerto Rican Birth or Parentage10
3 |
Count of Puerto Rican or Spanish Surname Persons |
By: Birth and Parentage (3) |
017001 Born in Puerto Rico |
002 Persons of Puerto Rican Parentage |
003 Puerto Rican Nonwhites |
Footnotes: |
10In Texas, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and California, tally is for Spanish surname persons. Categories are as follows: 0117001 Native born persons w/ Spanish surname; 017002 Foreign born with Spanish surname; 017003 Mexican born with Spanish surname. |
018000 |
Nativity and Parentage |
2 |
Count of Foreign Stock Persons |
By: Nativity and Parentage (2) |
018001 Foreign born |
002 Native of foreign or mixed parentage |
019000 |
Country of Origin |
14 |
Count of Foreign Stock Persons |
By: Country of Origin (14) |
019001 United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) |
002 Ireland (Eire) |
003 Norway |
004 Sweden |
005 Germany |
006 Poland |
007 Czechoslovakia |
008 Austria |
009 Hungary |
010 U.S.S.R. |
011 Italy |
012 Canada |
013 Mexico |
014 All others and not reported |
020000 |
Household Structure |
18 |
Count of Married Couples, Persons in Households and Group Quarters |
By: Race (2) By: Presence and Age of Members (9) |
Whites: |
020001 Total married couples in primary or secondary families |
002 |
With own household |
003 |
With own child under 6 only |
004 |
With own child under 18 |
005 |
With husband under 45 |
006 |
Husband under 45, child under 18 |
007 Unrelated individuals (including group quarters persons) |
008 Persons under 18 (own children) |
009 Persons under 18, with both parents |
Nonwhites: |
010-018 Repeat Household Structure (9) |
021000 |
School Enrollment |
7 |
Count of Persons 5 to 34 Years Enrolled in School |
By: Level and Type of School in Which Enrolled (7) |
021001 Total in kindergarten |
002 |
Public kindergarten |
003 Total in elementary school11
004 |
Public elementary school |
005 Total highschool |
006 |
Public highschool |
007 College |
Footnotes: |
11Elementary school is grades 1 to 8. |
022000 |
Years of School Completed |
24 |
Count of Persons 25 and Over |
By: Race (3) By: Years of School Completed (8) |
Total population 25 and over: |
022001 No school years completed |
002 1 to 4 years |
003 5 to 7 years |
004 8 years |
005 Highschool, 1 to 3 years |
006 Highschool, 4 years |
007 College, 1 to 3 years |
008 College, 4 or more years |
Nonwhites 25 and over: |
009-016 Repeat Years of School Complete (8) |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname 25 and over: |
017-024 Repeat Years of School Complete (8) |
023000 |
Residence in 1955* |
1 |
Count of Persons 5 and Over |
By: Race and Residence in 1955 (19) |
Total Population: |
023001 Same house as 1960 |
Padding |
1 |
Different house: |
002 Central City, this SMSA |
2 |
003 Other part of this SMSA |
Padding |
1 |
004 Outside this SMSA, North and West |
8 |
005 Outside this SMSA, South |
006 Abroad |
007 Moved, 1955 residence not reported |
008 Different house, same county |
009 Different house, same state |
010 Different state |
Nonwhite Population: |
011 Same house as 1960 |
Padding |
1 |
Different house: |
012 Central City, this SMSA |
8 |
013 Other part of this SMSA |
014 In U.S., outside this SMSA |
015 Abroad |
016 Moved, 1955 residence not reported |
017 Different house, same county |
018 Different county, same state |
019 Different state |
Padding |
6 |
024000 |
Family Income |
35 |
Count of Families |
By: Race and Family Income in 1959 (25) |
All families: |
024001 Less than $1,000 |
002 $1,000-$1,999 |
003 $2,000-$2,999 |
004 $3,000-$3,999 |
005 $4,000-$4,999 |
006 $5,000-$5,999 |
007 $6,000-$6,999 |
008 $7,000-$7,999 |
009 $8,000-$8,999 |
010 $9,000-$9,999 |
011 $10,000-$14,999 |
012 $15,000-$24,999 |
013 $25,000 and over |
Nonwhite families: |
014 Less than $1,000 |
015 $1,000-$1,999 |
016 $2,000-$2,999 |
017 $3,000-$3,999 |
018 $4,000-$4,999 |
019 $5,000-$5,999 |
020 $6,000-$6,999 |
021 $7,000-$7,999 |
022 $8,000-$8,999 |
023 $9,000-$9,999 |
024 $10,000 or more |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname Families: |
025-035 Repeat Nonwhite Family Income (11) |
025000 |
Unrelated Individual Incomes |
35 |
Count of Unrelated Individuals 14 and Over |
By: Race and Income (35) |
All unrelated individuals 14 and over: |
025001 Less than $1,000 |
002 $1,000-$1,999 |
003 $2,000-$2,999 |
004 $3,000-$3,999 |
005 $4,000-$4,999 |
006 $5,000-$5,999 |
007 $6,000-$6,999 |
008 $7,000-$7,999 |
009 $8,000-$8,999 |
010 $9,000-$9,999 |
011 $10,000-$14,999 |
012 $15,000-$24,999 |
013 $25,000 and over |
Nonwhite unrelated individuals 14 and over: |
014 Less than $1,000 |
015 $1,000-$1,999 |
016 $2,000-$2,999 |
017 $3,000-$3,999 |
018 $4,000-$4,999 |
019 $5,000-$5,999 |
020 $6,000-$6,999 |
021 $7,000-$7,999 |
022 $8,000-$8,999 |
023 $9,000-$9,999 |
024 $10,000 or more |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname unrelated individuals 14 and over: |
025-035 Repeat Nonwhite Income (11) |
026000 |
Employment Status |
18 |
Count of Persons 14 Years and Over |
By: Sex, Race, and Employment Status (18) |
Male: |
Total: |
026001 Employed civilians |
002 Unemployed |
003 Armed Forces |
004 Not in labor force |
Nonwhite: |
005-008 Repeat Employment Status (4) |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname: |
009-012 Repeat Employment Status (4) |
Female: |
Total: |
013 Employed civilians |
014 Unemployed |
015 Armed Forces |
016 Not in labor force |
Nonwhite: |
017 In labor force |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname: |
018 In labor force |
027000 |
Married Women in Labor Force |
6 |
Count of Married Women in the Labor Force |
By: Race (3) By: Presence of Husband and Children Under 6 (2) |
Total: |
027001 Husband present |
002 Husband present, children under 6 |
Nonwhite: |
003-004 Repeat Presence of Husband and Children (2) |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname: |
005-006 Repeat Presence of Husband and Children (2) |
028000 |
Occupation |
48 |
Count of Employed Civilians 14 and Over |
By: Sex (2) By: Race (2) By: Occupation (12) |
Male: |
Total: |
028001 Professional, technical, and kindred workers |
002 Farmers and farm managers |
003 Managers, officials, and proprietors |
004 Clerical and kindred workers |
005 Sales workers |
006 Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers |
007 Operatives and kindred workers, including mine |
008 Private household workers |
009 Service workers, except household |
010 Farm laborers and foremen |
011 Laborers except farm and mine |
012 Not reported |
Nonwhite: |
013-024 Repeat Occupation (12) |
Female: |
025-036 Same as Male (24) |
037-048 |
029000 |
Class of Worker |
4 |
Count of Employed Civilians 14 and Over |
By: Class of Worker (14) |
029001 Private wage and salary worker |
002 Government worker |
003 Self-employed worker |
004 Unpaid family worker |
030000 |
Industry |
25 |
031000 |
Count of Employed Civilians 14 and Over |
By: Industry (25) |
030001 Mining |
002 Construction |
003 Furniture, lumber, and wood |
004 Metal industry |
005 Machinery |
006 Transportation equipment |
007 Other durable goods |
008 Food and kindred industries |
009 Textile and apparel |
010 Printing, publishing, and allied |
011 Other nondurable goods |
012 R.R. and Railway Express |
013 Other transportation |
014 Communications, utilities, sanitary services |
015 Wholesale trade |
016 Eating and drinking places |
017 Other retail |
018 Business and repair services |
019 Private household services |
020 Other personal services |
021 Hospitals |
022 Educational services |
023 Other professional services |
024 Public administration |
025 Other, including not reported |
Means of Transportation to Work |
8 |
Count of Working Persons 14 and Over (includes Armed Forces) |
By: Means of Transportation to Work (8) |
031001 Railroad |
002 Subway or elevated |
003 Bus or streetcar |
004 Other public means |
005 Private auto or carpool |
006 Walked |
007 Worked at home (includes resident domestics) |
008 Not Reported |
Padding |
1 |
032000 |
Place of Work12
15 |
Count of Working Persons 14 and Over (includes |
Armed Forces) |
By: Place of Work (15) |
032001 Area A |
002 Area B |
003 Area C |
· |
· |
· |
· |
· |
013 Area M |
014 Elsewhere |
015 Not reported |
Footnotes: |
12For specific place names refer to place of work area codes available from the Central Users Service, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233. |
033000 |
Age-Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname |
32 |
Count of Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname Persons |
By: Sex (2) By: Age (16) |
Male: |
033001 Under 5 years |
002 5-9 |
003 10-14 |
004 15-19 |
005 20-24 |
006 25-29 |
007 30-34 |
008 35-39 |
009 40-44 |
010 45-49 |
011 50-54 |
012 55-59 |
013 60-64 |
014 65-69 |
015 70-74 |
016 75 and over |
Female: |
017-032 Repeat Age (16) |
034000 |
Marital Status-Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname |
10 |
Count of Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname Persons 14 and Over |
By: Sex (2) By: Marital Status (5) |
Male: |
034001 Married, not separated |
002 Windowed |
003 Divorced |
004 Separated |
005 Single |
Female: |
006-010 Repeat Marital Status (5) |
035000 |
Urban-Rural Residence* |
1 |
Count of Persons |
By: Urban-Rural Residence (3) |
035001 Urban |
Padding |
1 |
002 Rural nonfarm* |
2 |
003 Rural farm* |
Note: |
*Determined for persons in places of less than 50,000 population only. Otherwise, left blank. |
036000 |
Current Activity of Persons Not In Labor Force |
8 |
Count of Persons 14 and Over not in Labor Force |
By: Sex (2) By: Current Activity (4) |
Male: |
036001 Inmate |
002 Enrolled in school (ages 14 to 34 only) |
003 Other under 65 |
004 Other, 65 and over |
Female: |
005-008 Repeat Current Activity (4) |
037000 |
Farm Activity |
5 |
Count of Person 14 and Over Employed in Agriculture |
By: Sex and Farm Activity (5) |
037001 Total employed in agriculture |
Male: |
002 Farmers |
003 Farm laborers |
Female: |
004-005 Repeat Farm Activity (2) |
038000 |
Tenure and Vacancy Status |
7 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Housing Units |
By: Tenure, Vacancy Status, and Race of Head (7) |
Total units: |
030001 Owner occupied |
002 Renter occupied |
Nonwhite units: |
003-004 Repeat Tenure (2) |
Vacant units: |
005 Vacant-for-sale only |
006 Vacant-for-rent |
007 Other vacant (includes seasonal and migratory) |
039001 |
Count of Nonwhite Females 14 and Over |
1 |
040001 |
Count of Nonwhite Population |
1 |
041000 |
Tenure-Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname Units |
2 |
Count of Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname Occupied Housing Units |
By: Tenure (2) |
041001 Owner occupied |
002 Renter occupied |
042000 |
Condition and Plumbing |
17 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Housing Units |
By: Race of Head, Condition, and Plumbing Facilities (17) |
All occupied and vacant units: |
042001 Sound, with all facilities |
002 Sound, lacking or sharing hot water only |
003 Sound, lacking or sharing private toilet, bath or running water |
004 Deteriorating, with all facilities |
005 Deteriorating, lacking or sharing hot water only |
006 Deteriorating, lacking or sharing private toilet, bath, or running water |
007 Dilapidated |
Nonwhite units: |
008 Sound, with all facilities |
009 Sound, lacking or sharing some facilities |
010 Deteriorating, with all facilities |
011 Deteriorating, lacking or sharing some facilities |
012 Dilapidated |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname units: |
013-017 Repeat Nonwhite Condition and Plumbing (5) |
043000 |
Bathrooms |
3 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Housing Units |
By: Number of Bathrooms (3) |
043001 One bath |
002 More than one |
003 Shared or none inside the structure |
044000 |
Rooms |
24 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Housing Units |
By: Race of Head (3) By: Rooms in Unit (8) |
All occupied and vacant units: |
044001 1 room in unit |
002 2 rooms |
003 3 rooms |
004 4 rooms |
005 5 rooms |
006 6rooms |
007 7 rooms |
008 8 rooms or more |
Nonwhite units: |
009-016 Repeat Rooms (8) |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname units: |
017-024 Repeat Rooms (8) |
045000 |
Units in Structure |
13 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Housing Units |
By: Race if Head and Units in Structure (13) |
All occupied and vacant units: |
045001 In 1-unit structures |
002 In 2-unit structures |
003 In 3-4 unit structures |
004 in 5-9 unit structures |
005 in 10-or-more-unit structures |
Nonwhite units: |
006 In 1-unit structures |
007 In 2-unit structures |
008 In 3-4 unit structures |
009 In 5-or-more-unit structures |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname units: |
010-013 Repeat Nonwhite Units in Structures (4) |
046000 |
Year Structure Built |
11 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Housing Units |
By: Tenure, Race of Head, and Year Structure Built (11) |
All occupied and vacant units: |
046001 1950-1960 |
002 1940-1949 |
003 Before 1940 |
Owner-occupied units: |
004 1950-1960 |
005 Before 1950 |
Nonwhite units: |
006-008 Repeat Occupied and Vacant Year Structure Built (3) |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname units: |
009-011 Repeat Occupied and Vacant Year Structure Built (3) |
047000 |
Basement |
3 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Housing Units |
By: Type of Foundation (Basement) (3) |
047001 Basement |
002 Concrete slab |
003 Other |
048000 |
Heating Equipment |
6 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Units |
By: Heating Equipment (6) |
048001 Steam or hot water |
002 Warm air from furnace |
003 Built-in room units |
004 Other, with flue |
005 Other, without flue |
006 No heating equipment |
049000 |
Number of Persons |
32 |
Count of Occupied Housing Units |
By: Tenure and Head of House (4) By: Number of Person in Unit (8) |
All owner-occupied units: |
049001 1 person in unit |
002 2 persons |
003 3 persons |
004 4 persons |
005 5 persons |
006 6 persons |
007 7 persons |
008 8 persons or more |
All renter-occupied units: |
009-016 Repeat Persons in Unit (8) |
Nonwhite units: |
017-024 Repeat Persons in Unit (8) |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname Units: |
025-033 Repeat Persons in Unit (8) |
050000 |
Persons Per Room |
12 |
Count of Occupied Housing Units |
By: Race of Head (3) By: Persons Per Room (4) |
All occupied units: |
050001 Less than 0.51 persons per rooms |
002 0.51-0.75 |
003 0.76-1.00 |
004 1.01 or more |
Nonwhite occupied units: |
005-008 Repeat Persons Per Room (4) |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname occupied units: |
009-012 Repeat Persons Per Room (4) |
051000 |
Year Moved Into Unit |
13 |
Count of Occupied Housing Units |
By: Tenure, Race of Head, and Year Head Moved Into Unit (13) |
All occupied units: |
051001 1958-1960 |
002 1954-1957 |
003 1940-1953 |
004 Before 1940 |
All owner-occupied units: |
005 1958-1960 |
006 1954-1957 |
007 Before 1954 |
Nonwhite occupied units: |
008-010 Repeat Owner-Occupied Year Moved In (3) |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname occupied units: |
011-013 Repeat Owner-Occupied Year Moved In (3) |
052000 |
4 |
Count of Occupied Housing Units |
By: Number of Automobiles (4) |
052001 None |
002 1 automobile |
003 2 automobiles |
004 3 automobiles or more |
Footnotes: |
1320-percent item in places of 50,000 or more populations, 5-percent elsewhere. |
053000 |
30 |
Count of Owner-Occupied Units Reporting Value |
By: Race of Head (3) By: Value (10) |
All Units: |
053001 Under $5,000 |
002 $5,000-$7,499 |
003 $7,500-$9,999 |
004 $10,000-$12,499 |
005 $12,500-$14,999 |
006 $15,000-$17,499 |
007 $17,500-$19,999 |
008 $20,000-$24,999 |
009 $25,000-$34,999 |
010 $35,000 or more |
Nonwhite units: |
011-020 Repeat Value (10) |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname units: |
021-030 Repeat Value (10) |
Footnotes: |
14Refer to footnote 5, page 3. This item obtained from the 25-percent sample for all units regardless of size of place in which located. |
054000 |
Gross Rent |
39 |
Count of Renter-Occupied Units Reporting Gross Rent |
By: Race of Head and Gross Rent (39) |
All units: |
054001 Less than $20 |
002 $20-$29 |
003 $30-$39 |
004 $40-$49 |
005 $50-$59 |
006 $60-$69 |
007 $70-$79 |
008 $80-$89 |
009 $90-$99 |
010 $100-$119 |
011 $120-$149 |
012 $150-$199 |
013 $200 or more |
Nonwhite units: |
014 Less than $20 |
015 $20-$29 |
016 $30-$39 |
017 $40-$49 |
018 $50-$59 |
019 $60-$69 |
020 $70-$79 |
021 $80-$89 |
022 $90-$99 |
023 $100-$119 |
024 $120-$149 |
025 $150 or more |
026 no cash rent |
Puerto Rican/Spanish Surname units: |
027-039 Repeat Nonwhite Gross Rent (13) |
055000 |
Contract Rent15
13 |
Count of Renter-Occupied and Vacant-for-Rent Units |
Reporting Contract Rent |
By: Contract Rent (13) |
055001 Less than $20 |
002 $20-$29 |
003 $30-$39 |
004 $40-$49 |
005 $50-$59 |
006 $60-$69 |
007 $70-$79 |
008 $80-$89 |
009 $90-$99 |
010 $100-$119 |
011 $120-$149 |
012 $150 or more |
013 no cash rent |
Footnotes: |
15 See footnote 7, page 4. This item obtained from the 25-percent sample for all units regardless of size or place in which located. |
056000 |
Number of Stories and Presence of Elevator16
3 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Housing Units |
By: Number of Stories and Presence of Elevator (3) |
056001 2 stories or less |
002 4 or more stories, with elevator |
003 4 or more stories, without elevator |
Footnotes: |
16This item tabulated for units in structures in places with 50,000 or more population only |
057000 |
Trailers |
2 |
Count of Occupied Trailers |
By: Type (2) |
057001 Mobile |
002 Permanent foundation |
058000 |
Source of Water17
4 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Housing Units |
By: Water Source (4) |
058001 Private system or company |
002 Connected to public sewer |
003 Individual well |
004 Other |
Footnotes: |
17Omitted in places of 50,000 or more population |
059000 |
Sewage Disposal18
3 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Housing Units |
By: Type of Sewage Disposal (3) |
059001 Public sewer |
002 Septic tank or cesspool |
003 Other or none |
Footnotes: |
18Ibid. |
060000 |
Urban-Rural Location and Tenure |
20 |
Count of Occupied and Vacant Year-Round Housing Units |
By: Tenure, Race of Head, and Urban-Rural Location (20) |
Occupied and vacant units: |
Total: |
060001 Urban |
002 Rural |
003 Rural farm (occupied only) |
004 Rural nonfarm |
Nonwhite: |
005-008 Repeat Urban-Rural (4) |
Owner-occupied units: |
Total: |
009 Urban |
010 Rural farm |
011 Rural nonfarm |
Nonwhite: |
012-014 Repeat Owner Urban-Rural (3) |
Renter-occupied units: |
015-017 Repeat Owner Urban-Rural (3) |
Nonwhite: |
018-020 Repeat Owner Urban-Rural (3) |
1 |
Footnotes: |
19In the original Census 8-block matrix, this field is identified as excess housing capacity, a statistic derived from the 5 percent questionnaire and calculated by subtracting persons from available rooms in tract. No Data Descriptor has been provided for this item because its usefulness is questionable. The user may provide his own Data Descriptor if he wishes or he may treat the field as padding. |
061000 |
Heating Fuel |
8 |
Count of Occupied Units |
By: Heating Fuel (8) |
061001 Coal or coke |
002 Wood |
003 Utility gas |
004 Bottled gas or I.P. gas |
005 Electricity |
006 Fuel oil, kerosene |
007 Other |
008 No heating fuel |
062001 |
Count of Persons in the Experienced Civilian Labor Force |
1 |
053000 |
Detailed Occupation |
Count of Persons in the Experienced Civilian Labor Force |
By: Detailed Occupation (231) |
Professional, technical, and kindred workers: |
063001 Accountants and auditors |
002 Actors, dancers, and entertainers |
003 Airplane pilots and navigators |
004 Architects |
005 Artists and art teachers |
006 Authors |
007 Chemists |
008 Chiropractors |
009 Clergymen |
College professors, presidents, and instructors: |
010 Agricultural sciences |
011 Biological sciences |
012 Chemistry |
013 Economics |
014 Engineering |
015 Geologists and geophysicists |
016 Mathematics |
017 Medical sciences |
018 Physics |
019 Psychology |
020 Statistics |
021 Natural sciences |
022 Social sciences |
023 Other subjects and unspecified |
024 Dentists |
025 Designers |
026 Dieticians and nutritionists |
027 Draftsmen |
028 Editors and reporters |
Engineers-technical: |
029 Aeronautical engineers |
030 Chemical engineers |
031 Civil engineers |
032 Electrical engineers |
033 Industrial engineers |
034 Mechanical engineers |
035 Metallurgical engineers |
036 Mining engineers |
037 Sales engineers |
038 Engineers, not classified |
039 Farm and home management advisors |
040 Foresters and conservationists |
041 Funeral directors and embalmers |
042 Lawyers and judges |
043 Librarians |
044 Musicians and music teachers |
Natural scientists (NEC): |
045 Agricultural scientists |
046 Biological scientists |
047 Geologists and geophysicists |
048 Mathematicians |
049 Physicists |
050 Misc. natural scientists |
051 Nurses, professional |
052 Nurses, student professional |
053 Optometrists |
054 Osteopaths |
055 Personnel and labor relations workers |
056 Pharmacists |
057 Photographers |
058 Physicians and surgeons |
059 Radio operators |
060 Recreation and group workers |
061 Religious workers |
062 Social and welfare workers except group workers |
Social scientists |
063 Economists |
064 Psychologists |
065 Statisticians and actuaries |
066 Misc. social scientists |
067 Surveyors |
068 Teachers, elementary |
069 Teachers, secondary schools |
070 Teachers, NEC |
Technicians |
071 Medical or dental |
072 Electrical or electronic |
073 Other engineering and physical |
074 Technicians NEC |
075 Therapists and healers |
076 Veterinarians |
078 Farmers and farm managers |
Managers, officials, proprietors, except farm |
079 Buyers and department heads |
080 Conductors, R.R. |
081 Officers, pilots, pursers, engineers-shipping |
082 Officials, State and local administration |
083 Purchasing agents and buyers |
084 Other managers, officials, proprietors except farm |
Managers, officials, proprietors, NEC |
Salaried: |
085 Eating and drinking places |
086 Other industries |
Self-employed: |
087 Eating and drinking places |
088 Other industries |
Clerical and kindred workers: |
089 Attendants, physicians, and dental offices |
090 Bookkeepers |
091 Cashiers |
092 Dispatchers and starters |
093 Mail carriers |
094 Office machine operators |
095 Payroll clerks |
096 Secretaries |
097 Shipping clerks |
098 Stenographers |
099 Stock clerks and store keepers |
100 Telegraph operators |
101 Telephone operators |
102 Typists |
103 Other clerical and kindred workers |
104 Insurance agents, brokers, underwriters |
105 Real estate agents and brokers |
106 Sales, rental trade |
107 Sales, other |
Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers: |
108 Bakers |
109 Blacksmiths |
110 Boiler makers |
111 Brick masons, tile setters, etc. |
112 Cabinet makers |
113 Carpenters |
114 Cement and concrete finishers |
115Compositors and type setters |
116 Cranemen, derrickmen, hoisters |
117 Electricians |
118 Electrotypers and stereotypers |
119 Engravers except photo |
120 Excavating, grading, and [?] machine operators |
121 Foremen, NEC |
122 Forgemen and hammermen |
123 Furriers |
124 Glaziers |
125 Heat treaters, annealers, temperers |
126 Jewelers, watchmakers, gold/silversmiths |
127 Job setters, metal |
128 Linemen and servicemen, telephone and telegraph and power |
129 Locomotive engineers |
130 Locomotive firemen |
131 Loom fixers |
132 Machinists |
Mechanics and Repairmen: |
133 Air conditioning, heating and refrigeration |
134 Airplane |
135 Automobile |
136 Office machine |
137 Radio and T.V. |
138 R.R. and car shop |
139 Mechanics, NEC |
140 Millers, grain and flour, etc. |
141 Millwrights |
142 Molders, metal |
143 Opticians, lens grinders, polishers |
144 Painters, construction and maintenance |
145 Paper hangers |
146 Pattern and model makers, except paper |
147 Photoengravers and lithographers |
148 Plasterers |
149 Plumbers and pipefitters |
150 Pressmen, plate printers, printers |
151 Rollers and roll hands, metal |
152 Roofers and slaters |
153 Shoemakers and repairers, except factory |
154 Stationary engineers |
155 Stone cutters and carvers |
156 Structural metal workers |
157 Tailors |
158 Tinsmiths |
159 Tool and die makers/setters |
160 Upholsterers |
161 Craftsmen and kindred workers, NEC |
162 Other craftsmen and kindred workers |
Operatives and kindred workers: |
163 Apprentices |
164 Asbestos and installation workers |
165 Assemblers |
166 Attendants, auto service and parking |
167 Blasters and powdermen |
168 Brakemen, R.R. |
169 Bus drivers |
170 Chairmen, rodmen, axmen, surveying |
171 Checkers, examiners, and inspectors, manufacturing |
172 Deliverymen, routemen |
173 Dressmakers, seamstresses, except factory |
174 Dryers |
175 Fillers, grinders, and polishers, metal |
176 Furnacemen, smelters, pourers |
177 Heaters, metal |
178 Knitters, loopers, and toppers, textile |
179 Laundry and dry cleaning |
180 Meat cutters, except slaughterhouse, and packaging |
181 Mine operatives and laborers |
182 Motormen, mine, factory, logging |
183 Motormen, streetcar, subway, etc. |
184 Oilers and greasers, except autos |
185 Packers and wrappers |
186 Painters, except construction and maintenance |
187 Photographic process workers |
188 Power station operators |
189 Sailors and deck hands |
190 Sawyers |
191 Sewers and stitchers, manufacturing |
192 Spinners, textile |
193 Stationary firemen |
194 Switchmen, R.R. |
195 Taxi drivers and chauffeurs |
196 Truck and tractor drivers |
197 Weavers, textile |
198 Welders and flame cutters |
199 Other specified operatives and kindred workers |
Operatives and kindred workers, NEC: |
200 Manufacturing, durable goods |
201 Manufacturing, nondurables goods |
202 Non-manufacturing (includes not reported) |
Private household workers: |
203 Living in |
204 Living out |
Service workers, except private household: |
205 Attendants, hospital and other institutional |
206 Barbers |
207 Charwomen, janitors, porters |
208 Cooks, except household |
209 Elevator operators |
210 Hairdressers and cosmetologists |
211 Housekeepers and stewards, except household |
212 Midwives |
213 Practical nurses |
214 Firemen and fire protectors |
215 Guards, watchmen, doorkeepers |
216 Policemen and detectives |
217 Sheriffs, constables, marshalls |
218 Waiters, bartenders, counter workers |
219 Watchmen (crossing and bridge), tenders |
220 Other service workers |
Farm laborers and foremen: |
221 Unpaid farm laborers, family workers |
222 Farm laborers excluding unpaid workers |
Laborers, except farm and mine: |
223 Carpenters and helpers, excluding logging and mine |
224 Fishermen and oystermen |
225 Longshoremen and stevedores |
226 Lumbermen, raftsmen, woodcutters |
227 Warehousemen, NEC |
228 Other specified laborers |
Laborers, manufacturing, NEC: |
229 Durable goods |
230 Nondurable goods |
231 Laborers, non-manufacturing, NEC (includes not reported) |
Padding |
2 |